
Don't forget about the Goodreads giveaway of The Weaver. Ends at the end of the month.

Recent Reads

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff– humble rating: Motivational Speaker –Loved the originality of this story, and the depth of the characters, and the awesome brother/sister relationship, and Rowland and…yeah, I loved it! Thanks again to Medeia Sharif, because I won this in her contest and that rocks.

Life, Liberty and Pursuit by Susan Kaye Quinn – humble rating: Golf Clap++ – So charming! Great cross over book for young adult into adult. I was so captivated by the unfolding relationship and the realistic internal conflict of the main characters.

Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles - humble rating: Motivational Speaker – Completely captivated by Carlos Fuentes. These Fuentes brothers…WTH? I wanted to be reading this book all the time and it haunted me when I wasn’t able to. Read it on my Kindle and when I got to the 85% complete mark, I started to mourn that I was almost finished.

The Mortal Instruments City of Bones by Cassandra Clare  - humble rating: Motivational Speaker – Was this her debut novel? The writing did seem somehow ‘greener’ than Clockwork Angel, but don’t get me wrong, good story. I’m forcing myself to read OTHER books that I already have before I move on to City of Ashes. But it is hard. I’m in danger of turning into a Cassie Clare fangirl.

Recent Rents

Book of Eli
Crazy Heart

My own humble rating system: Please feel free to ask for clarification or to dispute my opinion.  I only ask that we ALWAYS remain respectful to the author.

Chirping Cricket – At the end all you hear is the chirp of the cricket.  I doubt I’ll ever use this because I can’t publicly embarrass someone knowingly.  However, I must have a ‘beginning’ rating in order for the rest to make sense. 

Golf Clap - The polite ovation that follows a well-placed shot.

Motivational Speaker –You are left fired up and eager to get to work making the world a better place.  You can’t wait to tell your friends all the insights and inspiration you took away from it. 

Rock Concert – Hooting and hollering, cheering, singing and clapping throughout the performance.  Swaying and lit lighters accompany ballads.  Riots break out if there is no encore.


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