Recent Reads City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare– humble rating: Motivational Speaker –I have to admit to being completely obsessed with this series. I intentionally held off on reading the next books because I knew once I cracked open the cover, nothing would get done in my life until I finished the book. It really is that good. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare – humble rating: Motivational Speaker – Some day a book I write will affect the reader like these books. This one even felt unnecessarily long and I didn’t care. What is that all about? Firelight by Sophie Jordan - humble rating: Golf Clap++ – I’m such a sucker for forbidden love. Fun! The Curse Girl by Kate Ellison - humble rating: Golf Clap – I really love Beauty and the Beast. Even danced to the theme song at my wedding reception (okay, so that was tongue in cheek, but FUN!) This is a really good retelling. Stays true to the core of the story, yet adds enough newness to keep the reader engaged. ...