Three Times A Charm with Bob Richley
Welcome to Three Times A Charm. I love to introduce readers to the people involved in children’s publishing. Today we welcome children’s author, Bob Richley. Bob, can tell us a little about yourself? I grew up in the Chicago area and now live in beautiful Colorado. Growing up, I would often go camping in the Rocky Mountains. It was these childhood camping trips and especially my visit to Crater Lake in Oregon that were the inspiration for events in the Oregon Kids series. I am a parent who has volunteered for years in children’s ministry. Teaching children good values and the grace of God are my passions. My stories, originally written for a single mom to help her raise her children, are a way to fulfill this passion. I have always loved children. I want all children to be raised with love and grace. It is my hope that my stories will be one of many tools that parents will use to teach and to raise their children with Godly values I live about an hour and a half north of Cra...