Three Times A Charm with Donna McDine

Welcome to the New Year! 2012 is full of potential and promise. Will we ferret out all the opportunity? Will we recognize a break when it’s staring us in the face? Keep your eyes and ears open. And be sure to read my weekly feature Three Times A Charm in case my guest is your opportunity or your next break.

Three Times a Charm is a weekly feature that spotlights authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the publishing industry.

I’m excited to welcome my fellow Guardian Angel Publishing author, Donna McDine this week. She is here to tell us about a new service she’s offering. I suggest you listen. She knows what she’s talking about. Donna, tell us about yourself.

I am an award-winning children's author, Honorable Mention in the 77th and two Honorable Mentions in the 78th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competitions, Preditors & Editors Readers Poll 2010 Top Ten Children’s Books, Global eBook Awards Finalist Children’s Picture Book Fiction, and Literary Classics Silver Award & Seal of Approval Recipient Picture Book Early Reader ~ The Golden Pathway.
My stories, articles, and book reviews have been published in over 100 print and online publications. My interest in American History resulted in writing and publishing The Golden Pathway. I have three more books under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing, Hockey Agony, Powder Monkey, and A Sandy Grave. I’m also the Editor-in-Chief for Guardian Angel Kids, Publicist for the Working Writer’s Club, and owner of Author PR Services from my home in the historical hamlet Tappan, NY. And member of the SCBWI.

Wow, impressive credentials. I love The Golden Pathway! A really important story to keep alive and you’ve written it so well.

Donna, tell us about the new service you are offering.

Author PR Services by Donna McDine –
Overwhelmed? Don't have time to promote your books the proper way? Let the panic settle and don't fret any longer. Let Donna take the pressure off.

What better way to free up your valuable writing time for your next intriguing manuscript, but by outsourcing your book promotion needs.

Donna's experience in researching and securing book reviewers, writing effective media releases, media kit creation (both online and hard copy), creation of opt-in subscriber boxes, and implementing your social networking campaign will certainly ease your mind.
Now for the Three’s! Share your top 3’s to help us know you better.

  • Top 3 books you’ve read in the past year.

The Frugal Book Promoter, How to Do What Your Publisher Won’t by Carolyn Howard-Johnson – What can I say who isn’t frugal these days. Making the most out of your book promotion efforts without spending a fortune is key to our sanity.

Yes! You Can Learn How to Write Children’s Books, Get Them Published, and Build a Successful Writing Career by Nancy I. Sanders – This is my bible of sorts. Nancy shares with what worked for her to create her ultra successful writing career. It’s broken down to simple tasks that are doable for any reader.

Get Known before the Book Deal by Christina Katz – Promotion and marketing falls squarely on the shoulders of the majority of authors and gaining momentum in promoting yourself is instrumental in standing out from the crowd.

All three of these books are earmarked and highlighted to the hilt and I refer to them often to stay on course for my writing career.

  • Top 3 pieces of advice for kids these days.

Career opportunities (especially for girls) are much broader than they were 25 years ago. Do not limit yourself. Jump on the opportunity to take honors and advanced placement classes at your high school. This provides a chance to see what major you would like to choose for college.

Do not let stereotypes prevent you from exploring a career you are attracted too. Such as only women are nurses or hairstylists. After a bit of research you’d be surprised that men are just as effective in these careers as women. Go for your dream career, attend the college that best fits you and your needs, and don’t become a wallflower.

Get involved at your school, whether it middle school, high school or college. Try out for a sport or join a club. Both afford the chance to learn how to work as a team, which is critical when you enter the workforce. It also provides the opportunity to meet new people and helps develop long lasting friendships.

  • Top 3 professions you wanted to be when you grew up.

Journalist, hairstylist, and physical therapist.

Where can our readers find more about you, your books and your writing services?

Donna’s Website: 
Write What Inspires You Blog: 
The Golden Pathway Blog:
Author PR Services:

Donna, thank you for joining us this week on Three Times A Charm. It is always a pleasure to be your host and to soak up your knowledge. Dear readers, she really knows her way around public relations!



  1. Hi Kai:

    Thanks for interviewing and hosting me today. I had a delightful time chatting with you. I'll be checking back in through today and the next several days.

    Happy New Year,

  2. Hi Kai,

    Thanks for posting this great interview. I hired Donna to do a media kit for me,and I am totally pleased with her work. You are so right, Donna knows her craft very well!

    Nicole Weaver
    Trilingual Children's Author

  3. Donna, always a pleasure visiting with you. I hope you'll come back with your next book, too.

    Nicole, thank you so much for the testimony! It really adds credibility for Donna's great efforts.

  4. OK. I definitely need to get my track shoes on to be able to keep up with Donna. I'm catching my breath just after reading the interview. Thanks for sharing it with us, Kai.

  5. Donna, thanks for the kudos for my book, YES! YOU CAN. And what a great interview, Kai! It was fun to visit your site today. Best wishes to you both in the New Year!

  6. Nicole, it was a pleasure to be of service. Thanks!

    Kai, I will definitely keep you on my contact list for my next book.

    Bill, Thanks for always supporting me, much appreciated.

    Nancy, You are very welcome. Your book is TERRIFIC!

    Warmest regards,

  7. There's so much to writing--other than the writing well part! Thank you for this valuable insight.

  8. Hi Barbara:

    Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me, much appreciated.

    Happy New Year,

  9. Always great to read about Donna's goings-on! This was lovely to read. Thanks, Kai, for your great idea here!

  10. A very nice Interview, Kai.
    You are a busy lady,Donna. Congratulations on all the book contracts.
    And Donna writes great press releases.

    Sorry I'm late to visit, as usual.: )


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