Recents (A Summing Up of a Year of Reading)

There is a book review with a GIVEAWAY at Mymcbooks. Don't miss out on a chance to win The Weaver.

Another great year of reading! Total number of books read in 2011 = 77. Slighty more than last year. I can’t thank my family enough for all the time they endure of me reading.  Still looking for that gift of a speed-reading course. 

2011 I fell in crush with the writing of Cassandra Clare with her Mortal Instruments series. I was wowed by self published books by authors, Susan Kaye Quinn (Open Minds), S.R. Johannes (Untraceable) and P.J. Hoover (Solstice). Sobbed while reading If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Grinned like a loon while reading Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. But if some terrificly awesome God of Reading were to force me to choose a favorite from the 77, I'd have to say The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater would be the one.  So many of the books I read were enjoyable, or entertaining, or emotional or thought provoking.  They transported me to their world. They forced to peer at common situations from a new knot whole in the fence or to experience uncommon adventures that I wouldn’t ordinarily be part of. 

Reading is the BOMB!  Thank you authors, for your hard work, dedication and perseverance so that I may spend so much time…um…researching my craft.


  1. That's a lot of reading, Kai. You listed some books I have in my TBR stack but haven't gotten around to yet. I just finished a beautiful story. Mercy Lily by Lisa Albert. I shed a tear or two with this one.

    1. Ooo, I have Mercy Lily on my tbr list. Glad to hear you liked it. You know, when I'm browsing my list, my heart aches a little for all the books I haven't gotten to yet. I wish I could just read and read and read.

  2. Thank you for mentioning SOLSTICE! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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