Three Times A Charm with Crystal Collier

Welcome to Three Times A Charm. I love meeting new authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the children’s publishing industry and sharing their careers with my readers.

Today’s guest is children’s author, Crystal Collier. Welcome to Strands of Thought, Crystal! Can you tell us a little about you, please?

I am the author of MOONLESS, and a former composer/writer for Black Diamond Productions. I can be found practicing my brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. Having lived from coast to coast, I now call Florida home with my creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in my closet). Secretly, I dream of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese.
Congratulations on the release of your book, Moonless! Tell us more about it.

On the moonless night following her sixteenth birthday, Alexia’s nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless. 

MOONLESS is Jane Eyre meets Supernatural.

I recommend my book to readers who like:

Pride and Prejudice
The Mortal Instruments or The Infernal Devices series

Now, for the Threes. Share with us your top 3’s to help us know you a little better.

  • Top 3 leisure activities.
1.      Reading a book (especially to my littles). The library probably has a permanent bench devoted to us by now.
2.      Writing, especially when it’s dark out. There’s something so exciting about writing in the dark.
3.      Playing piano—but usually just something I’m making up as I go. Ah, it’s so liberating to compose music!

  • Top 3 professions you wanted to be when you grew up.

1. I always wanted to be a singer and a stage actress. Then I realized how strange theater people can become. Don’t get me wrong, I adore them and was one for a long time, but now I’m content with periodic vocal performances. 
2. An author or Ad Specialist. These days you have to be both, so lucky me!
3. A teacher. Here’s another dream fulfilled. We home school AND I serve in our church as the president of a children’s organization with over fifteen teachers and about eighty children (ages 1 to 12). I’m also overseeing our scouting program and girls activities (ages 8-12), but my favorite part is teaching or assisting in individual classes.

  • Top 3 personal mantras or inspirational phrases:
1.      All else fails, eat cheese and be happy.
2.      Dare to dream: life is what you make of it.
3.      If life hands you cucumbers, make pickles.

Readers, now it’s your turn! Share your top 3 responses to Crystal’s questions to you:

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
And what would be your first order of business?

Where can our readers find you and Moonless online?

Readers, don't miss your chance at Crystal's epic giveaway. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations, Crystal!!! I can't wait to read this one. Loved getting to know a bit more about you. May your days be filled with lots of cheese!

    1. I knew Crystal was my kind of girl from her obvious love of cheese!

    2. LOL! You both crack me up. *munching on cheddar*

  2. Reading is the ultimate leisure activity!

    And of course cheese would find a way to sneak into your mantras, Crystal... XD

    1. For me reading is a lot like classical music. It can be soothing or invigorating or fill me with angst depending on how the story (or notes) is put together.

  3. When all else fails, eat cheese. Crystal, you are awesome. :)

    1. LOL. Don't say that too loudly. It might go to my head --the cheese that is. Then I'd have to move to Wisconsin.

    2. Hey, careful, Crystal. I'm from Wisconsin! ;-)

    3. You know what, get rid of the snow and I'd HAPPILY live there. In fact, it would probably be my home of choice. ;)

  4. If you could have any super power, what would it be? To move things with my mind.
    Why? Because my house needs a major overhaul and I'm too exhausted to fix it.
    And what would be your first order of business? FIX MY HOUSE! :)

    1. LOL. How about we order you a house keeper? ;)

    2. If I had a power like that, I'd probably randomly toss things at unsuspecting people just to see their reactions. Power corrupts.

    3. LOL! Like wedges of cheese--right? We could start a new trend of people shouting, "What the cheese?"


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