Cover Reveal - Southern Fried Wiccan

Today I'm shining the spotlight on an upcoming young adult book, SOUTHERN FRIED WICCAN by Susan Sipal. When this book piques your interest, be sure to stay in touch with Susan so you don't miss the March release date!

About the book

Cilla Swaney is thrilled to return stateside, where she can hang up her military-brat boots for good. Finally, she’ll be free to explore her own interests—magick and Wicca. But when she arrives at her grandma’s farm, Cilla discovers that life in the South isn’t quite what she expected. At least while country hopping, she never had to drink G-ma’s crazy fermented concoctions, attend church youth group, make co-op deliveries...or share her locker with a snake-loving, fire-lighting, grimoire-stealing Goth girl…

…Who later invites her to a coven that Cilla’s not sure she has the guts to attend. But then Emilio, the dark-haired hottie from her charter school, shows up and awakens her inner goddess. Finally, Cilla starts believing in her ability to conjure magick. Until…

…All Hades breaks loose. A prank goes wrong during their high school production of Macbeth, and although it seems Emilio is to blame, Cilla and Goth pay the price. Will Cilla be able to keep the boy, her coven, and the trust of her family? Or will this Southern Wiccan get battered and fried?

About the author:

Born and raised in North Carolina, Susan Sipal had to travel halfway across the world and return home to embrace her father and grandfather's penchant for telling a tall tale.  After having lived with her husband in his homeland of Turkey for many years, she suddenly saw the world with new eyes and had to write about it.  Perhaps it was the emptiness of the Library of Celsus at Ephesus that cried out to be refilled, or the myths surrounding the ancient Temple of Artemis, but she's been writing stories filled with myth and mystery ever since.  She can't wait to share Southern Fried Wiccan with readers in March 2015.


  1. Thank you so much, Kai, for sharing my fabulous cover and being the first stop on the cover reveal tour! I can't wait for March!! :-)

    1. My pleasure, Susan. It's a beautiful cover. Enjoy the anticipation. It's all part of the fun.


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