Cover Reveal for Hot Pink in the City by Medeia Sharif

I'm excited to help talented young adult author, Medeia Sharif with the cover reveal for her upcoming book, Hot Pink in the City.  Be sure to add it to your to-read list and follow Medeia so you don't miss all her exciting news.


Author: Medeia Sharif
Release date: August 19, 2015

Asma Bashir wants two things: a summer fling and her favorite '80s songs. During a trip to New York City to stay with relatives, she messes up in her pursuit of both. She loses track of the hunk she met on her airplane ride, and she does the most terrible thing she could possibly do to her strict uncle…ruin his most prized possession, a rare cassette tape. A wild goose chase around Manhattan and Brooklyn to find a replacement tape yields many adventures—blackmail, theft, a chance to be a TV star, and so much more. Amid all this turmoil, Asma just might be able to find her crush in the busiest, most exciting city in the world.

Find Medeia – YA and MG Author

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Doesn't it look and sound like fun? Congrats, Medeia!


  1. Thank you for sharing my cover.

    1. Of course, Medeia. I'm so excited for you and your sky rocketing career!

  2. I love Medeia's books and can't wait to read this one!


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