The FulFillment Playlist - Character Interview

Layla’s world tumbles out of control when she discovers the truth of her parentage and realizes the Prophecy—the one she upended her entire life to defend—is incomplete. When her new friends share the entire Prophecy, the revelations contained within it alter her destiny and challenge everything she and Wil believe in. Now, she must confront the Outlander queen to save the Ethereal kingdom while grappling with this new reality.

Tortured and imprisoned, Nash accepts his fate and offers the First Ones the one thing he has left to give: his life. In a desperate attempt to save the people he loves most, he surrenders himself to the Outlander queen and a destiny darker than he could have ever dreamed possible.

Wil, tormented by the consequences of his choices, realizes he may never be able to uphold his end of the Prophecy. His mistake casts a deep, foreboding shadow over his kingdom and those he loves, while its ripples threaten to shatter both the Prophecy and everything he and his family have sworn to protect.

In this epic conclusion, lives are lost, kingdoms clash, friendships are tested, and love and fate collide.
I love to get to know book characters outside their book. Before or after I've read the book - it doesn't matter. Learning about them beforehand piques my interest more. Reading more about them after, solidifies my love of their quirkiness. To celebrate the release of The FulFillment by Erin Rhew, we are delving into the musical tastes of all three main characters, Layla, Wil, and Nash. 

I asked them to give me a sample of their playlists for the following activities:

Wil: “Master of Puppets” by Metallica
Wil struggles with the morality of his ability to control minds. When he’s working out, he can let down his public prince personae and release all the pent-up frustration he has to carry around in secret.
Nash: “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming” by Judas Priest
Nash had a volatile relationship with his father, and he always feels the need to prove something. He’d listen to angry music while he perfects his skills with the sword and battle axe.
Layla: “Love Is A Battlefield” by Pat Benatar
Since Layla is a Vanguard, someone endowed with superior strength, she views all of life through the prism of war. This song also has a great beat, so she can practice her sword fighting with flair. 

Hanging out at home:
Wil: “Marry Me” by Train
Wil is a romantic at heart, and even more so since he met Layla. He likes to chill out with a good book in the family’s library and zen out with romantic ballads.
Nash: “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy
Nash received constant rejection from his father, and because of that, he won’t let people get close to him. He leaves Layla to go to the Outlands though she begs him to stay. But at the same time, he doesn’t want anyone to forget him. When he’s alone, he contemplates his lot in life and longs to be important in a world.
Layla: “I Am The Fire” by Halestorm
As a Vanguard, Layla’s world is defined by strength, and she’s constantly questioning whether or not she has the strength for what’s to come. But she’s a fighter and a survivor, so when she’s alone, she often listens to angry or inspirational music to pump her up.

Wil: “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz
This song is the theme of the The Prophecy (Book 1). Wil feels like a greater destiny brought him together with Layla, but forces outside his control keep them apart. He wants Layla to know if she decides to choose him, he’ll wait for her.
Nash: “My Immortal” by Evanescence
This song is the theme song for The Outlanders (Book 2). In the scene (if you’ve read The Outlanders, you know what scene I mean), Nash’s devastation destroys him from the inside out. The Outlander queen knows his weakness and uses it against him.
Layla: “Wide Awake” by Katy Perry
This is the theme song for The Fulfillment. In this book, Layla’s world gets turned upside down in several ways. Everything she knew to be true is now false, and the life she’d envisioned for herself disappears. When the dust settles, she may just be all alone.

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About the Author

Erin Rhew is an editor, a running coach, and the author of The Fulfillment Series. Since she picked up Morris the Moose Goes to School at age four, she has been infatuated with the written word. She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the "Grammar Police."

A Southern girl by blood and birth, Erin now lives in a rainy pocket of the Pacific Northwest with the amazingly talented (and totally handsome) writer Deek Rhew and their “overly fluffy,” patient-as-a-saint writing assistant, a tabby cat named Trinity. She and Deek enjoy reading aloud to one another, running, lifting, boxing, eating chocolate, and writing side-by-side.  

Find her online:
Twitter: @ErinRhewBooks

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Kai! ((HUGS))

  2. Love the information on the characters. It gives a great glimpse at what they're like. I haven't heard of this series but it sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing, Kai. Congratulations to you, Erin. Best of luck..

  3. I've never done a playlist for any of my books, but this just may inspire me to give it a try!

    1. Isn't it a fun way to get to know the characters?

    2. Stephanie--I don't normally do it either, but it was SO fun! ;)


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