Tell Us What You Think - Defining 2019
Review – noun a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation. Reviews don’t have to be wordy. Here’s a review I spotted on Goodreads recently for Holly Black’s new book The Wicked King: Holly Black creates a deliciously wicked world, twisty and dangerous and absolutely fascinating. I loved this. See! In only 16 words, you know how the reader feels about the book. Even if no one ever reads those 16 words, the review helps. The 5 stars the reader gave the book factor in with the 25k+ ratings the book already had to average 4.56 stars (wow, that amazing – perhaps I should add this series on my tbr!) giving a potential reader a strong and fast sense of how readers feel about the book overall. Even critical reviews can help. For example, I mined the reviews of A Cuckoo’s Calling, which I gave 5 stars because I love...