Don't Become Someone's Lost Love by Kai Strand

Such lovely Current Love stories were shared last week. We were even treated to more in the comments. Now it is time to move to this week’s topic. LOST LOVE.

When I first developed the concept for the February guest posts, I hadn’t decided to compose an introductory post for each week, so it was easy for me to include the subject of LOST LOVE, knowing I wouldn’t have to address it myself. But then I changed my mind and now I’m faced with the topic I really don’t want to address. I know that time heals and that there will be a day that I’ll jump at the chance to honor my LOST LOVE, but for now it is still too fresh and too personal. I shared it here if you are curious.

Instead I’m going in a completely different direction. Because that’s what writers do.

As 2011 drew to a close I was feeling generally crappy. The last half of the year I had been kind of floundering. I lost so much last year and though I was dealing pretty well emotionally, I wasn’t taking good care of my body. I gained some more weight on top of the weight I’d previously put on. My blood pressure was again out of control, though I didn’t know that at the time. I felt like my body was stuffed full of greasy, fatty garbage. I wore out before the day did and woke in the morning with a headache and already exhausted.

A million years ago, back when I still smoked cigarettes, a co-worker said to me, “Won’t you even quit smoking for your kids? Don’t you want to be around for them?” It didn’t motivate me to quit smoking then (the kids themselves did later, but that is another story), but her questions have stuck with me since.

I try to keep myself healthy, but I let that slip last year. So on January 3rd, 2012, I recommitted myself to a healthy lifestyle. I have to lose some weight. I have to do my stupid core exercises to avoid a third back surgery. I have to get and keep my blood pressure under control. I have to do it so that I don’t become someone’s LOST LOVE. Genetics gave me the battles that I have to fight. My children, my husband, my besties, my amazing family give me to willpower to fight them.

So ask yourself if you are doing what you can to avoid becoming someone’s LOST LOVE. There are so many things in this universe that we don’t have control over, but our health is not one of them. For some of us, it is really hard work to stay healthy, but to be here with my kids as they graduate, get married, have babies, to grow old with the man who makes me laugh and loves me so well, to turn gray (or not) with the friends who I’ve known through thick and thin, ups and downs – it is worth the hard work.

For those of you on this journey, I’m doing the Rocky Balboa dance for you. You know the one, at the top of the stairs, double fist pumps in the air, sweating and panting – but accomplished! Keep up the hard work. After all, don’t you want to be there for your loved ones?

Be sure to join us this week for some truly beautiful LOST LOVE posts. If you missed any of the Current Love stories you can find them here.


  1. Good job of using your writer’s prerogative and taking things in a different direction while sticking to the subject of lost love. It makes one think and it inspires. Thanks for sharing.


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