Three Times a Charm with Kit Grady

Three Times a Charm is a weekly feature that spotlights authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the publishing industry.

This week I’m honored to welcome the very talented illustrator, Kit Grady.
Kit Grady is a full time children’s illustrator and author living in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Her love for drawing animals, nature and children began very early. She continued her passion studying art at Virginia Commonwealth University and later studied under Caldecott winners Uri Shulevitz and Gale Haley.  Her clients include The United Methodist Publishing House/Cokesbury, Kaeden Books, Guardian Angel Publishing and Meegenius.  She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. When not writing and illustrating she visits schools and libraries to celebrate the joy of reading.
Kit is best known for her bright colors and expressive animals.
Wow, you must stay so very busy. What is the latest and greatest adventure?
Kit has just released a new e-book for Meegenius, Mollie the Merbaby, which has just been placed on the best sellers page. She also has illustrations for a new picture book, Louie V Trims the Tree by Tracey Delio, to be released in August 2011. She recently won first place in the SCBWI Carolinas chapter for her manuscript, Chicken Roundup and is currently working on a revise on spec for a publishing house.
Congrats, Kit, on so many successful projects!
Now, for the Threes. Share with us your top 3’s to help us know you a little better.
Please choose just 3 of the following questions to answer. You can answer as thoroughly or as simply as you wish. The idea is for our readers to learn a little more about you, so use it to your advantage.
  • Top 3 pieces of advice for people just starting in your business.
-Write what you know and never give up
-Do your homework, and find out all you can about this business
-Keep your behind in the chair and stay there and work and work some more. 
  • Top 3 leisure activities.
When I’m not drawing you will find me working in my flower or vegetable garden, hiking in these beautiful North Carolina mountains, and eating ice cream. 
  • Top 3 illustrators.
My favorite three illustrators, but there are so many……
Jan Brett,
Lisa McCue,
and Kay Chorao 
Kit, where can our readers learn more about your many projects and get their hands on some of your books?
Stop by my website at
 Visit Kit Grady’s blog at
You may find out more about her books and new releases at KITGRADYBOOKS
And say hi on facebook


  1. Wow! You're a busy young lady. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. You also give some very good tips. The never give up part is so important because this business can be challenging. I like your leisure activities, especially the ice cream.

    Good luck to you and have fun.

  2. Fun interview! Love your work, Kit and so happy to hear Mollie the Merbaby is on the Meegenius bestseller page- that's awesome! Keep it up, you're on a roll....

  3. Enjoyed the interview and always love your illustrations, Kit! Congratulations on all your successes and continued book releases.

  4. Wonderful interview and so happy to get to know you better, Kit!!! Wouldn't it be great if all us "angels" in NC could get together?

  5. Thank you Kai for allowing me to share your blog.
    Just way too much fun.

  6. I agree with the comments, Kit, it is so nice to get to know you better! Thanks for doing the interview.

  7. Kit, you are a fantastic artist. I enjoy your work.

  8. Great interview! Kit used to be in my critique group before she moved. Ki is fabulous!!!

  9. Glad you stopped in, Journaling Woman.

    Christy, that is so cool that you "knew her when" - kinda. I mean, you still know Kit, but how fun!


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