Three Times A Charm with Sheri Larsen

Three Times a Charm is a weekly feature that spotlights authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the publishing industry. It is back from a short hiatus while I caught my breath after two book launches. Exciting, but BUSY!

This week author, Sheri Larsen, joins us with all sorts of exciting news. First, Sheri, tell us about you.

Growing up, one might have categorized me as having duel-personalities. On one hand, I was tomboyish, wearing baseball caps on backwards and ripped jeans, and majorly in love with sports—primarily ice hockey and football; it’s not like I had a choice with my dad being an ice hockey coach. On the other, I had a serious passion, which eventually defined me as a person—the art of dance. At the age of seventeen, I was invited to study under a NYC Rockette. And as thrilling as that was for a small town girl, I turned the invite down to stay home and help care for my mother who’d been recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Time moved on. I married and became a stay-at-home mom, redirecting my creative juices toward my children.

Shortly after my youngest child turned three, I felt those creative juices nagging me, urging me to do something more. I’d always loved to write, but that gift had taken a backseat to my dancing. So I began to write. That was four years ago. Today, I’m the author of young adult and middle grade literature repped by Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary. I am a lover of all paranormal and the not-so-average teen/tween, facing insurmountable odds while trying to fit into a world I dream up; I also write picture books. My freelance and short story work can be found in Daily Flash Fiction Anthology 2012, Martial Arts Magazine, and numerous Maine publications.

I am a member of the SCBWI, the Maine Publisher & Writers Alliance, and, where I’m the moderator of their MG Lair. I also am the founder of Writer Support 4 U, an online writing support group. My creative endeavors continue into my personal life through mural painting and I continue to dance with a group of ladies ranging in ages from 23 to 61. My most precious time away from writing is spent with my four children, probably at some sports field or ice rink, or enjoying a kiss from my favorite werewolf—my husband of twenty years. Jamming to rock music in the car, dancing in the rain, and declaring myself a chocoholic are just a few of my silly quirks.  

Congratulations on securing an agent. How exciting for both of you. But you’ve been racking up the good news lately, haven’t you? Tell us about your writing.

My YA paranormal fantasy, MARKED BEAUTY, has recently received multiple offers of publication—all which I am currently considering. So look for it soon! The tale is about Ana Tate, a reluctant empath, who’s been hiding her ability to see life energy and decipher emotions threaded within them for most of her sixteen years. When she encounters Viktor Castle and an eerie connection is made between their auras, Ana is sure he’s the one to save her from her isolation. But beneath Viktor’s alluring façade lurks a psychic curse that will lay claim to Ana’s sanity. And when he disappears, revealing his true identity, Ana must decide what to believe, whom to trust, and if an emotion as fickle as love is worth the cost … of her heart, her mind, or her life. 
Writers Ally is my writing site and home to the famous Graffiti Wall, where authors, freelancers, illustrators, editors, publishers, and agents share their experiences and journeys within the publishing realm. It’s lavished with book spotlights and publisher requested reviews, interviews, docs for authors to promote themselves, their books, or their characters, and posts on the writing life as well as motherhood.
You just upgraded your site to include submission forms authors can use for that promotion process. Readers, be sure to check it out. Also, Sheri is having a HUMONGOUS giveaway right now, so when you are finished reading her awesome THREE’s head over to her site to find out more about that.

Now, for the Threes. Share with us your top 3’s to help us know you a little better.

  • Top 3 tools of the trade you couldn’t live without.

My laptop, a corkboard with a file of endless images to use for inspiration, & my small pink copy of Pride and Prejudice—my forever writing inspiration!

  • Top 3 skills to hone for people just starting in your business.

Organization – for without it, too much time is wasted.
Goal Setting – with direction, one will forge ahead and conquer.
Personal approachability and charisma – writing is a networking business.

  • Top 3 pieces of advice for kids these days.

Be true to yourself.
Choose your friends wisely, before the wrong ones choose you.
Make every moment count & be grateful.

I love Pride and Prejudice, too, and those a really great suggestions on skills to hone.

Sheri, where can our readers go to keep up with you and your writing?

Website: currently under construction
Blog: (ß Where you’ll find her Bigger Than A Shopping Mall Giveaway)
Twitter: @SA_Larsen

Thank you, Sheri, for visiting Strands of Thought and sharing all of your exciting news with us. I expect we’ll be hearing more from you very soon!



  1. Thanks so much for having me, Kai! It's been loads of fun.

    1. It has been fun, Sheri. I'm so glad you visited. Can't wait to have you back again after your book release ;-) YAY!

  2. So nice to see Sheri here. I've read her writing and she is very talented. I'm so happy for her.

    1. That is so sweet of you to say, Kelly. Thank you!

    2. Kelly, I was surprised when I realized I hadn't hosted Sheri before. Glad to do so now.

  3. Awesome Sheri to learn more about you. So excited for your great agent news and the publication news to come!

    1. It's like she's a writer on the edge! Or maybe the brink ;-) Thanks for stopping in Natalie.

  4. Writing is a networking business - so true, Sheri!

    1. And Alex, you're the networking king! We can all learn from your example.

  5. Wow, you are one busy lady. Congrats on the offers. I can't wait to read it. I love the idea about submitting for promoting other authors. That's a great idea!

  6. Great little interview! It was fun to learn more about Sheri--great things are happening for her right now.

    1. It's so much fun to witness someone's success, isn't it? Thanks for stopping in, Hart.

  7. Sheri, you're an inspiration. I love that you took matters into your own hands and submitted to publishers and ended up getting an agent!

    1. Sheri is also inspiring because she is so engaged with her readers. I love that! Good to see you, Nicole.

  8. Sheri, I agree with are an inspiration. I loved getting to know more about you!

    1. She's like Mighty Mouse - a little dynamo :D Thanks for visiting, Julie.

  9. Great words of wisdom. It's always so interesting to read about author's different paths to publication. Almost no two are alike.

    1. I love interviewing authors for that reason, Johanna. It is so inspiring to hear all the different paths. Thanks for reading!

  10. I'm so happy for Sheri. I can't wait to read her book.

  11. What an awesome interview! I didn't know you were a dancer too. So happy for your success. This is just the begging. Mark my words.

  12. Here's to the sale and the success with Marked Beauty. Congratulations for sticking with it. I know how much energy that takes!

  13. Aw... you all are amazing! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your words with me. I'm going to say YAY!! like Larissa and give C.Lee a high five.

  14. Awesome interview. I loved getting to know more about you Sheri! Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks Kai!

    1. Thanks for reading, Nas!!

      And again, thank you Kai so much for having me! It's been a ton of fun.

  15. What a great interview! It's been so awesome to follow Sheri's good news and her SUPER generous giveaway! Many, many congrats on your multiple offers. I have to say, I love your 3 pieces of advice for kids~ as a mom, those are all things that I'd want my kids to know :)


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