#IWSG - Grateful Author

Be sure to visit the grand master Alex Cavanaugh
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter hashtag is #IWSG

The awesome co-hosts today are M. Pax, Tracy Jo,Patricia Lynne, Rachna Chhabria, Feather Stone, and Randi Lee! Please visit their blogs & say hi!

First, I just want to share that AYDEN'S STORY is only 99¢ for one more day - and I'd be honored if you picked up a copy.


My #IWSG Post:

In the past week I had a couple writing related surprises. I ran into a few people in my life (as people do when you are out and about) and as we were catching up on life, they asked when a sequel to one of my books is coming out, or bought copies of my newest releases to catch up on their Kai Strand collection. I didn't even know some of these people read my books. I can't begin to tell you how much I needed the affirmations, nor how soothing these interactions were on my deep gaping writer wounds. 

So today I want to take the time to say thank you. To each and every person who has tweeted about my work, or re-tweeted a giveaway - Thanks. To all readers of this blog, and Lightning Quick Reads - Thank you. To Facebook fans whether you silently stalk or actively engage on the page - You rock. And of course to each and every person who has read a book or short story that I wrote...the biggest thank you of all. 

Having several 'out of the blue' experiences made me realize how many people are out there who I simply don't know about. Authors only know if their work is enjoyed when the reader takes the time to say something, whether thru a review, via email, a post on FB or Twitter, or if they say out right, "When is the next book coming?" It's like manna from heaven to a writer to hear that not only has someone read the book, but they liked it enough to be interested in more. 

So a heartfelt and special thank you to the people who made me remember all the silent readers out there that we write for. The more reminders, the more likely writers are to keep writing. 

I wish you a month of happy writing - from a grateful author.


  1. Amen! I love that, "manna from heaven". I don't think reader realize how insecure we are. How important their notes and reviews are. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I agree. Readers probably aren't aware, but that might be a good thing too. *snort* Thanks for stopping in.

  2. Wow, how fun! It sounds like your collection of work is doing some of the legwork for you. :)

    1. I'd love if my books were famous, but no one ever remembered my name except when they were searching for more of my work. Not too much to ask, right?

  3. Glad you had some of these moments. You deserve them. :)

  4. I know what you mean. It's nice to hear people love your writing, even if they don't post a review or help boost your visibility. We write for them, eh?

    1. Yes! We totally write for them! I'm not sure readers know that.

  5. Hi Kai, its always nice when people ask us about the sequels to our books. This is such a lovely compliment for an author. Glad you are having these moments.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

    1. It really means a lot! Thanks for visiting. And I forgot to thank you for co-hosting this month!

  6. So important to express gratitude. Good for the sales, and good for the soul. Blessings.

  7. How wonderful! We sometimes wonder if we are reaching anyone.

    1. Very true. It's like having a kid that moves out of the house and then never calls home.

  8. Oh, I love this. I think interacting with readers is the best, best, best thing ever. It's a good reminder that I should write to my faves and tell them!

  9. That is exciting to hear! Those unknown readers are the ones that tickle the heart when you hear about them. :)

    1. I admit I stood there blinking in confusion a bit longer than I should have while I figured out she was talking about my books. What a great surprise!

  10. What a wonderful lift to your spirit. It is encouraging to learn that you have readers that are eager for more of your books. Your post is uplifting and a great reminder to all writers. I love positive thoughts.

    1. I do too, Beverly and I'm usually far more positive than I have been lately. Hopefully this will help kick my attitude around.

  11. Very nice surprise. I hope you have many more :-)

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  12. It's nice when people like our work and ask about it. Makes it all worthwhile.

  13. As a consumer, I'm trying to make it better known to creators (not just writers) that I like their work. I've made a little bit of my own, and there are few things that calm my nerves like knowing someone enjoys what I've made.

    God, Entertainment, & Annoying Things

  14. Anna, very nice, indeed.
    Gwen, you're absolutely right that it makes it worthwhile.
    MRR, It truly does have a calming quality to it. I try to reach out to artists of all kinds, or share the work I enjoy for that same reason.

  15. That's awesome to find out. It always rocks when someone tells us that they like our books. A little boost to our egos which are often so fragile.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. I wish I didn't have a fragile ego. I'll be tough for a long stint of time and then my skin grows thin and I wonder if I'm talking/writing to myself. Stuff like this really helps.

  16. Nice of you to write that. And, a reminder for us to say something nice to people, compliment their work. Share their success. Tweet and retweet. It's a great way to build community.
    Play off the Page

    1. Yep, and that is one thing I really love about social media is the sense of community that can develop.


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