New Release - A Family for Leona by Beverly Stowe McClure

You know those people in your life who, with a mere mention of their name make your heart goes all squishy? My critique partner, Beverly McClure, does that for me. She's the real deal. True, honest, goodhearted. And you know what? That shows up all over the place in her books. It is my pleasure to share her newest release with you.

Ten-year-old Leona Chapter doesn't understand why her papa left his six children at the Brooklyn Home for Homeless Children after their mother's death in 1921. Each day she prays he'll return and take his children home. God, however, isn't listening. Her brothers and sisters are either adopted or run away, leaving only Leona and Baby Mildred in the orphanage. Leona promises she and Mildred will be together for always. A promise she cannot keep, for Leona, along with her friend Noah, who she defends from the bullies Hiram and Jehu, and several other orphans, are soon on a train headed to Texas, while her sister stays at the orphanage. Leona vows she'll go back to Brooklyn, the first chance she gets. An Orphan Train tale of the early 1900s. 
A Family for Leona is available from

I've read an earlier version of this book and I'm very excited to read the final version and share my thoughts with you, so keep your eyes open for an upcoming review. Better yet, buy your own copy and read and review it. You'll be happy you did.

About the author, Beverly Stowe McClure:

Most days, you'll find Beverly at her computer writing stories young voices whisper in her ear. When she's not writing, she plays the piano. Her cats don't appreciate good music and run and hide when she tickles the ivories. She's sometimes called the "bug lady." She's not telling why.
Find Beverly at
Happy reading!


  1. Aw, thank you, Kai. You say such nice things. You're also a wonderful crit partner. I just write from the heart. This story is special for me. Thank you too for the cover reveal. Have a lovely week.

  2. Wonderful. I don't see a Kindle link, but I'm sure it'll come out in ebook format. I'd love to read this.

    1. It's not in e-book yet, Medeia, and I don't know when it will be. If you'd like, I can send you the PDF review copy. Let me know. I'd love for you to read it.

    2. I suspect you'll enjoy it, Medeia. Orphan train stories are intriguing and we know Beverly is a great writer!

    3. I'll wait for the ebook. I love to support the author with a sale and a verified review.

  3. This sounds like such a powerful story. Congrats to Beverly!

    1. It is. It's hard for me to imagine the depth of despair it takes to give your children away.

  4. I'm so stoked for Beverly. It's a beautiful concept and I'm sure a very heart-moving story.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. It's a story I had to write. You know how that is.

  5. Beverly is a wonderful woman, isn't she? Looking forward to her latest--it sounds wonderful!

    1. Aw, thanks, Meradeth. I hope readers enjoy the story. Part of it is true, part fiction.


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