A Reading from Queensicle by Kai Strand

For those of you who may not know, I am a staff writer for Knowonder.

Knowonder is a leading publisher of engaging content that drives literacy; the most important factor in a child’s success.

Parents and educators use Knowonder tools and content to promote reading, creativity, and thinking skills in children from zero to ten.

Knowonder’s books deliver original, compelling stories and content, creating an opportunity for parents to connect to their children in ways that significantly improve their children’s success.

Ultimately, Knowonder’s mission is to eradicate illiteracy and improve education success through content that is affordable, accessible, and effective.

Volume 4 of Knowonder's story collections was published at the beginning of this month. It includes my short stories Bungling Lulu and Queensicle. As a treat for little ones, I've recorded myself reading from my story Queensicle.

Kids love to meet the author. So have your child sit down in front of your computer or with your tablet or phone and a copy of Herman's Horrible Day, opened to page 156. And they can read along with me. My reading isn't perfect, but it is heartfelt. And that's what matters most when you are reading with your kids.

You can order your print or Kindle copy of Herman's Horrible Day from Amazon, or visit www.knowonder.com to browse the other books available.

Thanks for your support.


  1. I bet a lot of young readers will enjoy your stories, Kai. Cute little critter. :)


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