Knowonder's Newest Release - Herman's Horrible Day

I'm excited to announce the release of Volume 4 of the Knowonder! collections, HERMAN'S HORRIBLE DAY.

I have two stories in this collection.

Queensicle - Laila lives in the Arctic. She's excited to see her best friend, Finn, whose family are nomadic reindeer herders. Finn has a special present for her befitting the queen of the Arctic.

Bungling Lulu - Who ever heard of a clumsy pixie? Poor Lulu, just passed flying lessons, but that doesn't make her an expert. Chanting the pixie credos she tries to right her wrongs.

My stories are part of a collection of 31 great short stories. Want to know what people are saying about the story collections? Here's a review posted by Barbara Bockman on her blog Stories a la Mode.

Available in print and Kindle.


  1. It looks like a great magazine for kids. Congratulations on your stories, Kai. That is a precious cover on the magazine.

    1. Thanks, Bev. It truly is a great magazine for kids. I'm happy to be a part of it.


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