Three Times A Charm with Kay Glass

Welcome to the 2013 version of Three Times A Charm. I love meeting new authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the children’s publishing industry and sharing their careers with my readers.

Today we welcome author, Kay Glass. It is always fun for me to host another Kai/Kay/Kae – there aren’t that many of us. Kay, tell us a little about you, please.

I wear many hats- wife, mother, and author being the top three! I’m married to my high school sweetheart, and we have two beautiful children: an 11-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter. We have 2 dogs and 5 cats, so it’s never dull around here.

I started writing a year and a half ago, and I haven’t slowed down since! I’ve recently branched out from the adult scene to young adult writing. As long as I have my laptop and mp3 player (with a good set of earbuds) life is good. My writing generally comes from phone conversations that start with, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?”

Tell us about your book.

Puppet of the Fates is the first novel in the Strange Curses trilogy, a young adult paranormal romance. Meet Serene Poole, a 16-year-old girl cursed with horrible luck. She’s a walking disaster and can’t go a day without getting hurt- sometimes the injuries are minor nuisances, but other times they are more severe, requiring stitches, casts and stays in the hospital. She doesn’t understand why she suffers the way she does, until one terrible night she learns the truth. In a past life she committed a sin- a sin so terrible that she's cursed by the Three Fates to have horrible luck until she pays off her karmic debt.

Meet Ryder Whyte, the 17-year-old boy next door who's always been a friend, and now wants to be more. But this isn't your typical love story, as every chapter has been woven by the Fates, who won't let their blossoming love go untested. For the truth will come out about her past sins, and in this incarnation she will have the chance to redeem herself, and maybe even for true happiness- if she lives long enough.

Wow, that sounds great! I just added it to my to read shelf on Goodreads

Now for the threes. Help us know you a little better by answering your top three choices to the following questions:

  • Top 3 tools of the trade you couldn’t live without. My laptop, Android, and Facebook! Anytime I’m without any one of the three for long I get antsy! I tend to spend the majority of my day networking or writing, so that’s where the laptop comes in handy, as well as Facebook. And when I’m away from my laptop, I stay involved via Android, so I’m never out of touch for long.

  • Top 3 leisure activities. Riding my bike, reading (either on my Kindle or an actual paperback or hardback), and playing games on the Xbox 360. I love to read pretty much any piece of fiction I can get my hands on, and I spend more time doing so than riding my bike, as it is winter and I don’t do well in the cold. And you can usually find me preparing for the zombie apocalypse 5 nights a week- okay, playing 360 games, but it’s the same thing!

  • Top 3 authors. Aiden James, Nora Roberts, and Stephen King! I started with Stephen King books when I was 8 (which might explain a lot about me!) and I was hooked. I love description, lots of detail, and his writing fits the bill. Aiden James is a wonderful author, and he, too, provides a lot of detail in his work. He’s known for his paranormal works, and they vary in subject so there’s something for everyone. I love Nora Roberts as well, mainly under her pseudonym J.D. Robb where she writes about Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her husband, Roarke. I’ve been hooked on the series for years!

Kay, where can our readers go to keep up with you and your writing? 

Thanks for charming us on this week’s Three Times A Charm, Kay. Best of luck with the release and with your writing!


I’M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GUESTS for Three Times A Charm. If you are an author, illustrator or book reviewer, an agent or an editor. If you have something related to children’s publishing that you’d like people to know about, feel free to contact me about a future appearance.


  1. Hi Kay and Kai, Wow, very busy and prolific! Setting the bar high with exciting stories. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks for stopping in Penelope. Don't you love the book cover?


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