Three Times A Charm with Bob Dixon

Welcome to Three Times A Charm. I love meeting new authors, illustrators, bloggers, agents, editors or promoters from the children’s publishing industry and sharing their careers with my readers.

Today’s guest is author, Bob Dixon. Bob tell us a little about you, please.

I am a two-time Guinness World Record holder for the world’s longest cartoon strip. I created and wrote a number of comic book titles for Pocket Change Comics, including Assassinette: The Mind Stalker, Psyco Duck, Jester's Dead, The Holy Knight, Riplash, Shadow Slasher, and Warzone 3719. I have written two children books titled Rooty the Tree Troll and Holiday Bunny. I have written two novels A Tough Call and Mouch and Company: The Dream Psychic In addition, I am a certified special education teacher who works with children who have emotional behavior disabilities.

You’re a busy guy, Bob. Can you tell us more about Mouch and Company?

Mouch and Company: The Dream Psychic
Being a teenager is tough enough, but try it when you have schizophrenia and psychic abilities that make all of your imaginary friends real... The odds are against Mouch-he's locked up in Talsom Mental Asylum; his only friends are a sock puppet and his shadow. Worst of all, he suffers from amnesia; his earliest memory is of being found alone in a mall wearing nothing but a pair of polka-dotted boxer shorts, a pair of fluffy white bunny slippers, and a hat made from a newspaper.... and covered in a generous amount of blood. When an elderly gentleman visits him and reveals that Mouch is not crazy but is actually a psychic, Mouch does what any rational person would do-he runs for the door. Once outside of Talsom, Mouch soon finds himself thrust into a battle against a sinister movement of dark psychics who threaten to destroy the entire psychic community.

Now, for the Threes. Share with us your top 3’s to help us know you a little better.

·                                 Top 3 tools of the trade you couldn’t live without.

Coffee computer and ah did I mention coffee

·                                 Top 3 most admired people and why you admire them.

My wife my son and my daughter because quite honestly they are the most amazing people I have ever meet in my life

·                                 Top 3 leisure activities.

Camping hiking and believe it or not writing

Bob, where can our tech-savvy readers go to keep up with you and your writing?

Bob, thanks for charming us on this week’s Three Times A Charm. Best of luck to you, your writing and those kids you work with.


GUESTS WELCOME!  I am always looking for guests for Three Times A Charm. If you are an author, illustrator or book reviewer, an agent or an editor. If you have something related to children’s publishing that you’d like people to know about, feel free to contact me about a future appearance.


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